
Individual Counseling

In individual therapy, I strive to bring you relief starting at the very first session. I schedule three hours for the first appointment to make sure we have time to address your needs. You may expect:

  • We address your concerns and develop a shared vision of what healing and health look like for you;
  • We spend time in educating about your mind, the function of anger and fear, the complications of the human mind with memory and creating meaning;
  • We engage in processes to help get traumatic ‘data’ unstuck and facilitate your mind’s self-healing.

Couples Counseling

Couples therapy typically takes 12 to 16 weeks. I schedule 90-minute sessions for couples counseling. You may expect:

  • We learn to recognize your particular steps in the dance of conflict;
  • We identify both of your particular needs for connection and belonging;
  • We learn new steps in the dance, new ways to lead (ask for what we need), and new ways to follow (respond to our partner’s needs);
  • Re-connect, Re-engage, Re-unite.

Helping Professionals Counseling

Teachers, clergy, counselors, nurses and doctors have emotional and relational problems too. Helpers can easily suffer from PTSD, traumatic grief, and compassion fatigue. But you are often isolated with those problems because of the need to maintain professional boundaries  and your desire to maintain the public persona of a helper who has it all together. I am a helper who has benefited from counseling and long to pay it forward to other helpers.

Pastoral Counseling

As a seminary-trained counselor and chaplain, I honor and include your particular faith/spiritual background into our sessions and provide you professional counseling.

Phone: (512) 663-5941